Injectable Filler and Volumizer

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Boulder, CO

Most dermal fillers are a gel substance containing hyaluronic acid. Treatment involves the injection of the gel into the skin in tiny amounts with a very fine needle. This can be effective for smoothing wrinkles, sculpting lips and improving facial contours. Results may last 6 months to one year, and will vary depending on the area/extent of correction and the number of syringes injected.


Fat injection treatment removes fat from one part of the patient’s body (usually the abdomen, thighs or buttocks) and reinjects it beneath facial skin. Allergic reaction is not a factor since the fat is from the patient’s own body. The procedure has been used for years to add volume, fill wrinkles, lines and enhance the lips. Results can be permanent, but this may vary.


Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane, Radiesse, Belotero, Voluma – Categorized as Dermal Fillers, these products can be used to add volume, enhancing areas of the face, or to fill lines and/or creases in the face to smooth out the skin’s surface, giving you a more youthful appearance.

Voluma – FDA-approved injectable gel to instantly add volume to your cheek area to correct age-related volume loss in adults over the age of 21. It can give you contour and a subtle lift for up to two years with optimal treatment.

Polyactic Acid

Sculptra Aesthetic – Sculptra Aesthetic is an injectable product, also known as “liquid face lift.” Sculptra is a progressive treatment which stimulates your body to produce collagen. Injected differently than traditional dermal fillers to achieve a filling and lifting look that can remove years from your appearance. Typically, 2-3 treatments are necessary – spaced 6 weeks apart. Results can last up to two years, with minimal maintenance.

Planning for Your Procedure

First, schedule a personal consultation. Communication is vital in reaching your goals. You will have the opportunity to discuss your goals and the results you’d like to achieve. Your injection specialist will work with you to reach an understanding about what you can expect from this procedure and what long-term benefits you will experience. Every patient is different, and your clinician will listen to your concerns and develop a treatment plan that is right for you.

During your initial consultation be prepared to discuss possible risks and complications of the procedure. You will be asked to provide a complete medical history. Include information about any previous surgical procedures; past and present medical conditions; and all medications or herbal supplements you are taking.

How Much Filler Will I Need?

The number of syringes or vials required varies from person to person. It is based on the amount of correction necessary to provide the desired outcome. A conservative approach can provide a soft, subtle result; however, optimal correction will be seen with higher number of treatments and syringes.

Average number of Syringes needed per area:
Tear Troughs – 1-2 Syringes
Cheeks – 2-3 Syringes
Nasolabial Folds – 1-2 syringes
Marionnette Lines – 1-2 syringes
Lips – 1-1.5 syringes

Potential Side Effects

  • Swelling may occur and should resolve within 48-72 hours.
  • You may bruise following your injections.
  • Numbness or mild discomfort at the injection site
  • Infection (very uncommon)

Tips To Reduce Bruising:

  • Arnica may be recommended to help with possible bruising.
  • Avoid alcohol (beer, wine, liquor) for a few days prior to injections.
  • Avoid products containing: Fish and/or Flax Seed Oils, Omega Acids, and NSAIDS (Advil / Ibuprofen, Aleve / Naproxen, Tramadol) for a few days prior to injections to decrease likelihood of bruising.

Schedule your Appointment

And Meet Directly With Dr. Roesner to Discuss a Treatment plan to meet your Aesthetic and Skincare Goals.

Schedule Appointment

Consult fee is $100 – which will be applied to the cost of the procedure
(If scheduled within 90 days).