
Emsculpt Neo

Shape & Tone

Shape & Tone

EMSCULPT NEO is a non-surgical treatment aimed to build up muscle mass and burn through fat volume in the abdomen and buttocks, thighs (inner, outer, front and back), biceps, triceps, and calves.

EMSCULPT NEO can burn through fat storage on the abdomen, all while sculpting and toning. In the buttocks region, it can help achieve a lifted and sculpted butt with minimal effort.

The Procedure


Treatment Areas

  • Abdomen and Buttocks
  • Thighs (inner, outer, front, and back)
  • Biceps, Triceps, and Calves

Procedure Time​

Each treatment is approximately 30 minutes, with a recommended 4–6 treatments for optimal results. A specific plan, tailored to your goals, will be created with you and your provider.

Recovery Time/Side Effects

Because it is not an invasive surgery, there is no real downtime after the procedure. Soreness and fatigue may be present, similar to an intense workout. Unlike similar non-invasive body contouring treatments, there are no known side effects of EMSCULPT NEO.


Results of the treatment area are immediate. Optimal results are achieved after a series of 4–6 treatments as recommended by your provider. A slimmer more toned physique will be evident, and an increase in strength and tone will be felt. Maintenance treatments may be suggested by your provider.

What to expect?

The EMSCULPT NEO Treatment Process

EMSCULPT NEO is based on an applicator simultaneously emitting synchronized RF and HIFEM+ energies.

Due to the radiofrequency heating, the muscle temperature quickly raises by several degrees. This prepares muscles for exposure to stress, similar to what a warm up activity does before any workout. In less than 4 minutes, the temperature in subcutaneous fat reaches levels that cause apoptosis, i.e. fat cells are permanently damaged and slowly removed from the body. Clinical studies showed on average a 30% reduction in subcutaneous fat.

Bypassing the brain limitations, HIFEM+ energy contracts the muscle fibers in the area at intensities that are not achievable during voluntary workout. Extreme stress forces the muscle to adapt resulting in an increase in the number and growth of muscle fibers and cells. Clinical studies showed on average a 25% growth in muscle volume.



Each patient will have a complimentary consultation by one of our professional staff. During this consultation, we will assess the areas you want to treat while listening to your body goals and evaluating your lifestyle habits. This will help enable our practitioners to assess your suitability for each treatment and put forward a treatment plan aimed at achieving the best results.


Body Assessment

Each patient will begin treatment by having a body assessment that will include medical grade photography and a body composition report.


Settle In

Patients will be laying face up or down depending on the area being treated. The table is set up to help provide a comfortable treatment experience.


Panel Placement

Panels will be placed on clean, dry skin and held in place by an elastic band.


Custom Treatment Plan

Your treatment plan will be customized for you. A professional from our team will start treatment at a low level and gradually increase these treatments in increments best suited to your pain tolerance.

Benefits of EMSCULPT NEO


Because EMSCULPT NEO is non-invasive, recovery is quick. Not having to be put under anesthesia or deal with surgical recovery means patients can quickly get back to their life. There will also be no worry about scars or stitches since there is no direct effect on the skin.

Quick Treatments and Results

Treatments themselves are fast, meaning patients can fit them into their schedule more easily. Results are also immediate, and normal activities can be resumed after each session.

Paired Treatments

Combining treatments can help to achieve better results than doing one treatment on its own. Speak with one of our team members about the potential cost savings of booking multiple treatments together and helping to design a treatment plan that works to achieve your goals!

Emsculpt Neo Before & After


Learn More Today.

Learn more about EMSCULPT NEO from our highly-skilled staff at Aura Boulder.

Schedule your Appointment

And Meet Directly With Dr. Roesner to Discuss a Treatment plan to meet your Aesthetic and Skincare Goals.
Schedule Appointment
Consult fee is $100 – which will be applied to the cost of the procedure
(If scheduled within 90 days).
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