Conveniently located to serve the areas of Boulder, CO

The Orgasm Shot®, or O-Shot, is revolutionizing the female sexual experience, helping women restore and enhance their sexuality in ways never thought possible before. With very few treatments for female sexual dysfunction available. The O-Shot® is supported by a wealth of scientific research and outstanding patient satisfaction.
In addition to enriching women’s sexual experiences, the O-Shot® is also an effective treatment for urinary bladder incontinence or leakage, an issue many women face as well.
As a non-surgical in-office treatment, the O-Shot® uses platelet plasma (PRP) that contains your body’s own growth factors and stem cells to activate tissue formation in the vagina and near the clitoris, strengthening sexual response almost immediately. The intensity of the stimulation has pleasantly surprised many recipients of the O-Shot®.
Who is a Good Candidate for the Orgasm Shot®?
In General, A Good, Candidate For The O-Shot® Includes Someone Who Has Any Of The Following:
- low sexual desire (a.k.a. low libido)
- discomfort during sex
- difficulty reaching orgasm
- difficulty becoming aroused
- difficulty holding urine
During the initial consultation, Dr. Roesner or our nurse practitioner will determine if you are a good candidate for the O-Shot®, or if a different procedure will yield better results for you.
What are the Results and Benefits of the O-SHOT®?
In addition to being practically painless for most patients, the Orgasm Shot® procedure is quick, safe, and very effective. As soon as the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected into those strategic areas, regeneration of the tissue begins. Although some notice an improvement in their sex drive and ability to orgasm within 24 hours, optimal results may take up to three months. Decreased urinary troubles have also been reported soon after treatment. The majority of women will have a noticeable improvement two to three weeks post-treatment.
Benefits From The O-Shot® Include:
- increased sensitivity to stimulation
- enhanced sexual desire
- increased lubrication
- tightening of the vagina
- decreased urinary leakage
- an overall increase in sexual satisfaction
How are O-Shot® Injections Performed?
O-Shots are performed in the comfort of our office. First, blood is drawn, and the platelet-rich plasma is separated from the blood using a centrifuge machine. Once separated, it will be injected into the numbed treatment areas.
The two treatment areas include the clitoris and internal vaginal tissue, both instrumental in creating a sexual response. Before the injections are made, a numbing cream will first be applied to decrease pain and discomfort. The entire procedure usually takes around 30 minutes but may differ based on individual needs.
Please watch this video on the O-shot and contact our office with any questions and to schedule your consultation.
NORMALLY $1,500 NOW ONLY $1,200
How To Plan For Your O-Shot® Treatment
The first step is to schedule a personal consultation in our office. Communication is crucial in reaching your goals. You will have the opportunity to express your goals and the results you’d like to achieve. Together, we will reach an understanding of what you can expect from this procedure and the benefits you will experience.
During the initial consultation we will gather a medical history, including information about previous surgical procedures, past and present medical conditions, and any medications or herbal supplements you are taking. Possible risks and complications of the procedure will also be discussed.
Recover from Orgasm Shot® is quick since the injections are minimally invasive. Individual results vary but many patients can partake in sexual intercourse soon after their procedure. Individual recovery time frames will be discussed along with any measures that will help ensure a complete and successful recovery. Strenuous activity may be discouraged immediately following the treatment.
Schedule your Appointment
And Meet Directly With Dr. Roesner to Discuss a Treatment plan to meet your Aesthetic and Skincare Goals.
Schedule AppointmentConsult fee is $100 – which will be applied to the cost of the procedure
(If scheduled within 90 days).